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Exposing A Couple Of Myths About Maintaining Your Automobile

Maintaining your car is a serious responsibility because failure to do this task can result in major repair costs and increased odds of experiencing an accident or breakdown. In order to keep your car in well-maintained, you will need to be properly informed about this type of work, but there are some car owners that assume a couple of prevalent myths are true. This can lead them to make critical errors, which may compromise the performance and reliability of the vehicle. 

Myth: New Cars No Longer Use Timing Belts

The timing belt was the primary way that manufacturers made sure that the car's engine work smoothly throughout its operation. However, these belts are prone to wearing down, and if they break, it can cause extensive damages throughout the engine. Not surprisingly, many newer cars avoid this problem by opting for the use of a timing chain as opposed to a timing belt because the chains are far more stronger and require less maintenance. However, it should be noted that there are still some car companies that use timing belts as opposed to timing chains. 

As a result, you will need to carefully consult your owner's manual to determine whether or not the car utilizes a belt or chain. If it uses a belt, you will need to have it inspected by companies like Fantastik Auto Repair at least once every couple of years to ensure that it is not in danger of snapping. 

Myth: Your Warranty Is Voided If You Do Not Have The Car Serviced At The Dealership

Your car's warranty is one of the best defenses that you have against unexpected repairs. As a requirement for these warranties to remain valid, it is often required for the car owner to have the vehicle serviced according to a specific schedule. However, many people assume that they will have to take their vehicles to the dealership to avoid voiding the warranty. 

Luckily, this is far from the case, and there are laws in place that protect your rights to choose where you have your car serviced. While the manufacturer can require your vehicle to be serviced by an authorized repair center, they can not force you to use a particular repair center.

Auto repairs and maintenance can be one of the more stressful aspects of being a car owner. This can be particularly true for those that make the unfortunate mistake of believing some common myths. Yet, if you learn the reality behind these two prevalent misconceptions, you should be much better informed about this important aspect of being a car owner. 
