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Are You A New Teen Driver? Things You Shouldn't Do While You Wait For The Tow Truck

If you are a teenager who has just earned their driver's license, you may be thrilled to be out in the family car on your own. You may not be anticipating problems, but there is always a possibility that something may go wrong with your vehicle and you will need a tow truck. If that happens, here are some things you should not do as you await the tow truck.

Leave Your Vehicle

If you have pulled over to the side of the road, you may be tempted to get out of your car and stretch your legs or head to a nearby store to get a snack before the tow truck gets there. However, this can be a bad idea. Other drivers may have a hard time seeing you on foot, particularly if you are on a busy road after dark. Not only that, but if you are too far away from the car when the truck arrives, the driver might not see you. That can delay your trip back home.

The best thing for you to do while waiting is to sit in the vehicle with your windows closed.

Chat on the Phone

Your first action after you call for a tow truck might be to call a friend to tell them what's going on and chat with them for a while. You might then get the idea to call another friend while you're waiting. However, it is very important that you keep your phone line free. The truck driver may need to reach you and not be able to do so because you're tying up the line with chitchat.

In addition, you might think you have enough battery life to talk with your friends, but your phone's power could dwindle quickly when you need to reach the driver or the company. While you wait for your tow truck, call your parents so they know your location, but other than that, stay off of your cell.

Believe Anyone Who Claims to Be the Driver

Your first impulse may be to roll down the windows when a truck and a driver pull up nearby, but you have to make sure they are the driver you have been waiting for. Ask to see some kind of ID and look over at the truck to make sure you see a logo or other identifying information. You might also want to have the towing company give you the driver's name so you know who you're waiting for.

Now that you know about some of the things you should not do while you wait, make sure you get your things together so you are ready when the tow truck driver gets to you. Be sure to ask the towing company if there is anything else you need to know.

For a local towing service, contact a company such as Elden Dattage Towing & Auto Repair.
